Thursday, June 12, 2014

Human sex trafficking boils my blood!

Watch this video!

Tell people about your opposition to human trafficking!!!!!! Because you do care. Let yourself feel it. Xo

 It's a mindset that legitimizes it for these people, and if you're honest, that mindset isn't far from society's norm today (women are to be conquered; those that give it up aren't marriage material & they're okay to push down further; nothing wrong with using some people or each other just for sex, and perpetuating that approach; my body rules me what can I say; I no longer want my wife/Grown women who WANT to have sex with me - I want those I get thru the 'game' coersion/ I want younger - children actually/ I want those I raped/forced/bought. Where are you on the continuum? As a woman, are you contributing or furthering the myth that we can't control ourselves? As a man, are you part of the problem? Is your silence or midnight your own business helping justify these mindsets that are vocalized right in front if you? Of so, you're not a piece of crap. You're now aware. What you say or allow next is up to you. Now you can be that better person one day at a time, and you're changing!!. LOVE OTHERS & yourself, one day at a time!!!

This is not to condemn you if you have sex just to have sex (ladies/guys); that's your choice. But at least have sex wih those who want to have sex with you, in a clear sober mind, not coerced. Just because she is talked into it, and you score- she becomes an object and slowly she only sees her value as that- gaining worth only from her beauty or her sex appeal, and not for her whole person; it's an epidemic! Ladies- you are worth more than your body! So are you men, worth more than your body or wallet. We are all people; why not enjoy people at least, not just their body alone. Think about it. Mindset. If you want to go have sex, go, but do it knowing this stuff and don't bea part of this problem. Stop letting your pride and need to conquer women (people) come before being honest and letting her decide (if u only like her body and will not call her tomorrow, tell her, then let her decide. You will still find participants. Believe me. This will still help!!!
Women are beautiful. We have wonderful bodies. But we are bodies that come on people. And we are all part of the problem.

All sexual hyper-focused messaging focuses on instant self-gratification. This success to sexualiZe everything in today's culture has led to attempts to change our moral fabric and legitimize self-indulgence without the 'connection' to others, but rather sanctions pursuit of self interest OVER THE SAFETY OR CONSIDERATION OF OTHers! (Who are the major pushers of this message to the masses? Those with power and money to gain from the addictive tendencies and the lies our society now believes! Ie. my natural desires are UNCONTROLLABLE, so what can I do?! Gee, hopefully I won't be one of those persons w/ such uncontrollable insatiable desires for more that I rent a child for sex!) This is what's happening today! Te effort has to be more than just fighting the sex trafficking! We must fight the message, the mentality behind it!!! LOVING ONE ANOTHER is a decision! It isn't going to happen it a pure form if we justify putting our "natural needs" above others' needs to have love, security, freedom, and be free of coersion. Fight this with me. Dig deep. What is true freedom for you? Benign dominated by your body? Or being on control of your body and mind, and being free to make clear, conscious decisions that are best for everyone not just yourself? Because society shouldn't be run by a bunch of narcissistic people (engaging in whatever they want because it feels good)! It should be run w/ peope who realize we are all connected. What you do to one person you do to all. Because hate and unkindness breeds hate and unkindness. How would u treat your daughter or son? Or mother? Because that is how you should treat others! People loving those that love them doesn't quality as good. Even crazy, murderers/rapists/whatever-you-think-is-bad people do that. Anyone can love (action word; it's a verb! Look it up. Not just a feeling) those they like. It says much more to love those you don't know! Find a heart! Save these trafficked people who can't save themselves. Wouldn't you want to be saved damn it?! I'm so pissed! I love these poor children and women, and I don't even know them! Mark my words I will be helping them more very soon!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A tale of terse titillation

Check out the speaker below, and you can assess my two cents as well.

What? Respect woman as more than a sexual object or conquest? Why? Respect myself? What does that even mean? In part, not feeling like you have to 'give it up' to get or give love or affection. In part, not gawking at women [especially] while you're with your wife. In part, recognizing the strengths in women you meet or know, and encouraging others to do the same (like your male buddies - men! Like your female friends when they belittle other women - ladies!). Oh, and seeing all people as more than a sexual escapade, and learning to connect sexuality, intelligence, thought, emotions, personality all into one (part of the movement may tell you women should feel just as free sexually as men, but I challenge the reverse - men and women both to value their body as part of their whole, not dissecting bodies into means to have immediate gratification and no self control to wait for a more suitable time to combine body & soul w/ another person; believe me it's even more fulfilling if not fun, when you know someone!). Getting to know all that before you know their body. Allowing opportunities for women and men both to prove their worth in the workplace through performance not looks, worth in relationships by how they treat others, and recognizing the innate worth of humanity and how we are all connected on a higher level. Find your way of expressing yourself spiritually, and your life will look more reflective and shine brighter for everyone to see, thus connecting you with others and bringing that joy from making others smile into your own life to manifest itself! Appreciate beauty as one aspect of humanity among many aspects, and not just something that is a thought silo that leads only to sex. THAT, I believe, is one of Gods many designs - that being, loving others & finding value in them, so that they learn to see value in others. You'd be surprised how much better people act when they feel valued.

(Note* I may have more faith-based beliefs on whether it's appropriate at all before marriage, but for purpose of appealing to a since of humanity in all of us, and basic rational thought and a common sense appeal for humanity...I've chosen to omit my take on the morality side for this independent post. Ask me more, I'll give you more. But this above is cannot be dismissed on some anti-religious grounds, because it's valid even independent of any objection to faith or God.)